We expect our customers to be 100% satisfied with the products we sell and the service we provide. If at any time in the next 10 days you are NOT 100% satisfied with your purchase, we’ll make it right with you!
In the unlikely event that we’ve made an error with your order or an item is damaged or spoiled and you cannot consume it, please contact us immediately so that we can make it right!
Please let us know about any issues with your order within 24 hours of receiving it or ASAP. Since food is perishable, we do NOT accept returns. However, we do offer store credit, a refund, or a replacement for any damaged or spoiled items. Credit will be given for the product price and any associated shipping costs.
a. The name of the product or order number.
b. A little description of what happened. Pictures are appreciated for defective or damaged items.
c. How you’d like to resolve it - a store credit, refund, or replacement order.
*If you’re NOT emailing us from the email address associated with your account, please let us know your order number.
Email is the fastest way to get help, and we love helping customers! Send an email to support@ayersvalleyfarm.com. You can also call us at 937-218-1760. You will most likely get voicemail. Please leave a message!
Experience something exceptional? Encounter an issue? Have a question? Please reach out. We rely on your feedback and communication so we can correct mistakes and constantly improve what we do.