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1/2 gallon Raw Milk for Cats & Dogs - Plastic PO

1/2 gallon Raw Milk for Cats & Dogs - Plastic PO

Plastic Jug

Never heated or altered in any way.

Treat your pets to the same high quality milk that your family enjoys.

We believe that your whole family should get the best quality, most nutrient-dense, safest foods available.  Thats why our pet food is made in the same way that we would prepare food for ourselves, we use simple high quality ingredients, a straight forward process, and never take any short cuts.

About our cow dairy

Our cow milk is always raw, never heated or processed in any way.  It comes straight from the udders to you.

In the warm months our cows are fed fresh chemical free lush grass.  They are moved to fresh pasture twice per day.  In the colder months, our cows diet is alfalfa hay and they are supplemented with one scoop of a soy free nutrient blend.

Our cows are never given antibiotics or hormones.